Me and Cassandra go back a couple years to a friend's birthday bash in San Francisco. She was originally just a party favor, tossed into the drink I was having that evening for a laugh (the dinosaur, not the friend). By the end of the night she had a name, a back story and a very special purpose. She is named for the prophetess from the Iliad, Cassandra, high-priestess of doom. In Homer's tale, Cassandra foretells the falling of Troy, but alas, no one believes her. Of course she loses her marbles when the city is sacked. Isn't it always a recipe for madness when we're speaking God's honest truth and no one will listen? So Cassandra, seer that she is, became the obvious choice for a traveling companion. Who better to tell you when you're about to get into trouble than a three inch plastic dinosaur? What could possibly be more useful on an adventure?
In a inexplicable twist of logic, she became the good luck charm and has gone with me on all important journeys since that party three years ago. Cassandra is now my only constant companion on my six month journey. While I wasn't traveling, she sat on my desk at work, beckoning me to get moving again. So now she has her wish...another grand adventure. It sure is a good thing she fits into my pocket so easily...the party favors that night could have been those obnoxious giant teddy bears that you win at the fair.

My first night in Hawaii, I put Cassandra on my dresser to get acquainted with the new digs. She instantly made a new best friend. A little iridescent blue and green bug was completely enamored of her. He just hung out, worshiping at the feet of her orangeness, long enough for me to take a gazillion pictures. When I switched rooms last week, he followed her. I like to think that the bug has a giantess fetish and that she is the answer to all is buggy dreams. We'll never know, but he sure does flip his long antennae around in a very courtly manner. I think if he had a little bow tie and the world's smallest bouquet of flowers, he'd bring them along when he comes to call. Cassandra appears, as yet, to be unmoved by his advances, but I think she'll eventually succumb. She's a persistent gal herself, so I think his ardor will win her over in the end. I'll be sure to keep all of you salivating masses of blog-devotees appraised of the romance.
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